11 Create .PCB files
As explained in the introduction of this part of the book, creating the .PCB files is the last step of the process before uploading everything to the PovcalNet system.
11.1 What the heck is a PCB file?!!
PCB files are only relevant for micro-data. They basically store the micro-data
and weight
vectors, as well as pre-computed statistics. They are
custom binary files (data is stored as a bunch of 0s and 1s) that were created
to support the computations in PovcalNet. It is not a standard file format like
or .dta
They are used because they:
- Take less space
- Can be read more efficiently
PCB files contain four pieces of information:
- The PCB ID number. There are actually two types of .PCB files, an old and a new format. The ID number is a way to differentiate them.
- The number of microdata records
- The number of points on the Lorenz curve
Lorenz Curve
Pre-computed statistics
Statistics that need to be computed only once (i.e. not on-the-fly, since they are not sensitive to the poverty line)Microdata
PCB file represention
11.2 The povcalnet_update repository
Once you have updated all the sheets in the master file–besides the “SurveyMean” sheet–and have updated the microdata in the P drive, the next step is to create the .pcb files and update the “SurveyMean” sheet. All of this is done with the PovcalNet-Team/povcalnet_update repository. Make sure you clone the repo and open it as a project in Rstudio. You will find the project has three .R files only. If everything goes as expected, you’ll only need to use the file 00.master.R.
In rare cases, you will need to modify the functions in the other two files. The utils.R file has generic functions such as loading the master file into the system, or creating survey IDs. These functions are used all along the process. The process_functions.R file contains functions for specific parts of the projects which are executed usually once along the whole process. Basically, the 00.master.R calls these functions in order in the same way that a master do-file calls other do-files that do specific things.
In this chapter, we break down the 00.master.R file, so you understand how to run it, the logic behind, and what to do in case it needs to be fixed. Let’s start by installing the minimum necessary packages. The 00.master.R file assumes you already have them installed, so you should run the code below before you start.
# pkg_load <- knitr::combine_words(pkgs, before = "`")
pkgs <- c("janitor", "data.table", "tidyverse", "writexl", "readxl", "here", "devtools")
no_installed <- pkgs[!(pkgs %in% installed.packages())]
11.3 Generate the .pcb files
11.3.1 Directories
The first section includes the directories in which you’re going to be working.
As of today (2020-11-20), the datadir
directory is for 2020_JUL
as it was
the last release of PovcalNet. However, make sure you create a new folder with
the year and month of the “tentative” release.
datadir <- "p:/01.PovcalNet/02.Production/2020_JUL/"
cpi_path <- "p:/01.PovcalNet/01.Vintage_control/_aux/price_framework/price_framework.dta"
sheet <- "SurveyMean"
mdir <- "p:/01.PovcalNet/00.Master/"
11.3.2 Surveys that have changed
Now, we have to specify what countries/years have been added or changed to the PovcalNet repository. We recommend you do this country by country.
#--------- to modify in each round ---------
countries <- "CHN"
years <- NULL
If you leave the argument years
equal to NULL
, the code will update all the
years for the country select. In this case, CHN. However, you could
specify what years to update for that particular country, like,
countries <- "IND"
years <- c(1993, 2004, 2009, 2012)
It is important to note that unless you want to update all the years available
in more than one country, you should not include in the countries
more than one country.
11.3.3 Prepare metadata
In the next part we prepare the data. Function pcn_datafind
finds the
directory path and filenames of the corresponding countries in variable
. It returns a list with two objects, fail
and pcn
. Object fail
lets you know if there is any particular data that could not be loaded. Object
contains a data frame with the metadata of the countries and years
selected above.
# Find countries
tmp <- pcn_datafind(country = countries)
pcn_fails <- tmp$fail
pcn <- as.data.table(tmp$pcn)
# Fix metadata
pcn <- fix_metadata(pcn)
# Get reference year
pcn <- get_ref_year(pcn, cpi_path)
Then pcn
object is then passed to the fix_metadata
function in which some
columns like welfare type and survey coverage are added. Finally, function
merges the price framework data from datalibweb
to assign the
right reference year to each survey. Keep in mind that the get_ref_year()
function makes some hard-coded adjustments that could not be identified
programmatically. That is, they follow ad-hoc rules to be included into (or
excluded from) the final Povcalnet inventory. One of the most problematic rules
is the correct assignment of the reference year to the survey-ID year. Check
those those cases if the resulting reference year is incorrect.
11.3.4 Generate .pcb files
Now that the metadata is ready, we can create the .pcb file. This is done with this code,
# -------------------- Create PCB --------------------
replace_file <-
pcb_status generate_pcb_files(df = pcn,
countries = countries,
years = years,
replace_file = replace_file,
datadir = datadir
The function generate_pcb_files
takes the directory paths of the microdata in
the pcn
object, loads the microdata, and, inside the datadir
creates the .pcb file into the /01.pcb/
subdirectory and and .rds file (R
readable) into the /02.rds/
sub-directory. The creation of the .rds is for
convenience. It allows you to check the data in the .pcb in an easy way. The
.pcb file, in contrast, is harder to read directly in R. Except for the file
format, two files are identical.
One feature of the generate_pcb_files
function is that you can add additional
filters by country and year. By default, only the years
objects defined
above is being used until this point. In fact, you could create
another object, say countries2
, and parse it into the argument countries
the generate_pcb_files
Up to this point, the generation of the .pcb files is concluded, but the PovcalNet system requires two types of inputs, welfare data and the master file. We still need to update the “SurveyMean” sheet of the Master file.
11.4 Update the Master file
Updating the Master file is the most challenging part of the whole process because we need to make sure that,
- whatever is correct must remain correct.
- whatever is wrong should be fixed
- whatever is not necessary should be removed
- whatever is missing should be added
- whatever is duplicated must be unified.
Thus, we recommend that you run this sections one by one and check the results in between. This is specially important for countries with urban/rural coverage like China, India, or Indonesia; for countries with lagging reference years like EU-SILC countries, or for tricky countries like … (Macedonia?).
Updating the “SurveyMean” sheet
The first step is to extract some important metadata information from the .rds files generated in the previous step. This is done with the following code,
lf <-
update_master_info(df = pcn,
countries = countries,
years = years)
st <- lf$s
df <- lf$df
filter(st, status != "OK")
The object lf
is a list with two objects, st
and df
. Object st
is merely
the status of each survey in the update_master_info
process, whereas df
the actual metadata of the new data. Now, the following code loads the data in
the most recent version of the Master file,
lmf <- load_masterfile()
mf <- lmf$data$SurveyMean
reg_ctry <- lmf$data$CountryList %>%
Region = WBRegionCode,
CountryCode = CountryCode,
countryName = CountryName
The function load_masterfile
returns a list that is then bound to the name
(this function takes a while to run especially if you’re working
remotely). The main object of lmf
is another list, data
, that contains a
data frame per sheet. So, in the code above, you’re creating object mf
the “SurveyMean” and red_ctry
, with the “CountryList” sheet. The reason why we
load the whole master file is that, when we create a new version we want that
version to include all the sheets, even those that were not modified. Function
, which is the function that saves the new version of the
master file, uses a list with all the sheets to save the file.
Now, we need to organize the new information into the “SurveyMean” format. This
is done with function survey_mean_info
. However, and this one of the tricky
parts, we need to make sure that the five objectives above
are met when we include the information of the new data. The survey_mean_info
function handles all the generic cases, but there are some cases that need to be
removed manually. This is why we have the object condition
that goes directly
as one of the arguments of survey_mean_info
. If it is necessary to manage any
special cases, this object should be set to an empty string, condition <- ""
Let’s see some examples of real cases in which we had to use the object
condition <- '!(countrycode == "IND" & year == 2012)'
In this case, we needed to remove the observation for India 2012, because even
though the CPI_Time
variable in the master file is 2012, the SurveyTime
variable is 2011.5.
condition <- '!(countrycode == "CHN" & grepl("A$", module))'
Here we needed to remove all the observations of China for which the module finished in a letter A.
condition <- '!(countrycode == "CHN" & year >= 1990 & welfaretype3 == "y")'
Here, there was a problem in the metadata and we needed to remove all the observations for China after 1990 for which the welfare type was coded as income, when in reality it was consumption.
condition <- paste0('!(countrycode %in% ',
' & year %in% ',
This final example is a general form in which we remove old observations for all the countries and years for which there is new data. This is very useful if we want to start a country from scratch.
Now, we just need to identify the data that remains unchanged in the
“SurveyMean” sheet using the function unchanged_data()
and then append
together the new data, dfn,
and the unchanged
data. Finally, we update the
Master file using the function update_master_file
, which receives four
arguments, lmf
, the current version of the master file with all its sheets;
, the vintage control sheet which is loaded separately and it is useful
only for institutional-memory purposes; new_mf
, which is the new “SurveyMean”
sheet with unchanged and new data; and mdir
, which is the directory of the
master file.
You should be fine if you execute all these steps one by one, while checking the intermediate outputs.