According to the description in the Stata repository worldbank/primus,
The PRIMUS system is designed to facilitate this process of generating internal estimates of the World Bank’s poverty indicators and reduce the time needed for resolving discrepancies. It is a workflow management platform for the submission, review and approval of poverty estimates and a tracking facility to capture the inputs and results of the estimation process for future reference and audits.
As such, PRIMUS is the platform used by the PovcalNet team to approve the adoption of new survey data into the PovcalNet system.
8.1 Interacting with PRIMUS
The interaction with PRIMUS is done through different systems, so it is best to begin by clarifying terms.
Website platform
PRIMUS can be accessed by typing primus/ in your browser. As long as you’re connected to the intranet it should work fine. However, if you have any issues connecting to the platform, please send an email to Minh Cong Nguyen, requesting access.
Each database uploaded into PRIMUS gets a unique transaction ID. This ID is important because it is not unique to a dataset but unique to the transaction (or vintage of the data). That is, if one particular dataset is uploaded more than once, it will get two different transaction IDs. When talking to the Poverty GP, you better refer to the transaction ID rather than the survey (or at least both) because, though you may be talking about the same country/year, you are actually talking about two different transactions. See for instance Brazil 2013.
Stata command
The Poverty GP maintains the Stata repository
worldbank/primus from which you can
download the command primus
. Right now, this is the official place from which
you can access this command. From now on, each time we refer to the command, we
use primus
, whereas when we refer to the website, we use PRIMUS.
Please, make sure you have it properly installed in your computer, by following the instruction section 4. Basically, you need to install first the github Stata command by E. F. Haghish
"https://haghish.github.io/github/") net install github, from(
Now, you can install primus
by just typing the following in Stata
github install worldbank/primus
In case this does not work, follow instructions in section 4 for alternative methods.
Corrections to primus
Stata command
The primus
command is maintained by the Poverty GP, so we have no control over
modifications or improvements. The best you can do in case you need to fix or
modify something in this command is to fork the repository, clone the forked
repo into your computer, check out a new branch, make any modification, and
generate a pull request to the master branch of the original repository. Once
you have done that, make sure to send an email with your suggestions for
improvement to Ani Rudra Silwal, copying to the
D4G Central Team (Nobuo Yoshida and Minh Cong Nguyen).
8.2 Understanding PRIMUS
Each time a database is uploaded into PRIMUS, it is assigned a transaction ID. During the uploading process (or right after it has finished), the three parties–DECDG, DECRG, or the Poverty GP–evaluate the quality of the new or corrected data and approve them or reject them in the system. Depending on the decision of all the parties, each transaction will take one of three possible status, pending, approved, or rejected.
As of today (2020-11-20), there is no one who represents DECRG. So, the approving process might be different and it will need to be changed in the PRIMUS system. Please check.
The transaction ID is pending when at least one of the three parties (DECDG,
DECRG, or the Poverty GP) has not approved it in the system. You can click on
the check box PENDING in the PRIMUS website to see which surveys have such a
status, or you can use the primus
command list this,
qui primus query, overallstatus(PENDING)
list transaction_id country year date_modified in 1/`=min(10, _N)'
+----------------------------------------------+year |
| transaction_id country
1. | TRN-000327173-EAP-IDN-QR48Q IDN 2017 |
2. | TRN-000327173-ECA-DEU-YJYVZ DEU 1995 |
3. | TRN-000327173-ECA-DEU-2P4DR DEU 2002 |
4. | TRN-000327173-ECA-DEU-LJN8R DEU 2003 |
5. | TRN-000327173-ECA-DEU-ZSN9J DEU 2005 |
6. | TRN-000327173-ECA-DEU-UBS7M DEU 2008 |
7. | TRN-000327173-ECA-DEU-41TOU DEU 2009 |
8. | TRN-000327173-EAP-AUS-KKZ2E AUS 2004 | +----------------------------------------------+
Notice that the overall status of a transaction is independent from survey ID. Thus, it is possible to find several transactions for the same country and year. Indonesia 2017, for instance, has three transactions, two of them rejected and one of them pending.
qui primus query, country(IDN) year(2017)
list transaction_id overall_status date_modified in 1/`=min(10, _N)'
| transaction_id date_modified |
1. | TRN-000104674-EAP-IDN-8R9IF 23may2018 15:28:47 |
2. | TRN-000327173-EAP-IDN-TYA1A 23may2018 23:57:27 |
3. | TRN-000327173-EAP-IDN-QR48Q 24may2018 00:27:33 | +--------------------------------------------------+
A transaction is rejected when at least one of the three parties rejected the database. Finally, a transaction is approved only when all three parties have approved it into the system.
We recommend you understand the basic functionality of the primus
command by
reading the help file (type help primus
in Stata).
8.3 Checking PRIMUS estimates
The real first step to check the quality of the recently uploaded data into PRIMUS is to download the basic estimates of each data and compare them with our own. There is no need to calculate and compare all the estimates available in PRIMUS but the mean in PPP, the poverty headcount, and the Gini index.
The primus
command allows us to download the estimates of each transaction,
but it has to be done one by one. Fortunately, the pcn
command downloads all
the estimates of pending transactions for us and properly stores them in the
folder p:\01.PovcalNet\03.QA\02.PRIMUS\pending\
🎉 . You only need to type,
estimates) pcn primus pending, down(
In addition, pcn
checks the date for which you’re downloading the estimates
and keeps only those transactions that have been uploaded for the next spring or
annual-meetings release. For instance, assume that today, 2020-11-20, you want
to see the estimates of pending transactions in PRIMUS. Since annual meetings
take place around September, pcn
assumes you are interested in the estimates
for the Spring-meetings release, around March next year. Thus, it will filter
the results from primus
, keeping only those transactions that were uploaded
from November 2020. Now it is likely that the PRIMUS system has not been opened
for uploading new data in November, as it usually opens around December and
July. Thus, it is likely that you will find and error saying
There is no pending data in PRIMUS for the combination of country/years selected
You can load the recently-downloaded estimates by typing,
load(estimates) pcn primus pending,
Now, you have to check whether the new estimates make sense. Once way to that is
to follow this do-file,
You do NOT need to check the estimates with the working data (wrk) as it is
suggested in the do-file above. The PovcalNet System is now fully integrated
with the datalibweb
system, so the CPI, PPP, and microdata will be always the
same. The best you can do at this stage is to make sure the estimates in PRIMUS
make sense at the country level.
8.4 Confirming and approving data in PRIMUS
Once you have checked that the estimates of pending transactions make sense, you
need to approve them. As explained in section 8.2, the
approval on PRIMUS requires the consent of three parties. The PovcalNet team had
the responsibility to approve on behalf or two of them, DECDG and DECRG. This
process can easily done with the code below, which can be found in this file,
0: Program set up
version 14
drop _all
*---------- Modify local excl = "BRA SOM SSD" // countries to exclude
local excl = "" // countries to exclude
Load data
query, overalls(pending)
primus //------------Cut off date
local filtdate = "2019-12-01" // filter date (december last year)
local filtdate = "2020-02-18" // filter date (surveys uploaded by Minh)
keep if date_modified >= clock("`filtdate'", "YMD")
//------------Select username
if (lower("`c(username)'") == "wb424681") {
local dep = "povcalnet"
}else if (lower("`c(username)'") == "wb384996") {
local dep = "decdg"
}else {
noi disp in red "you don't have rights to run this code"
tab `dep'
keep if `dep' == "PENDING"
if ("`excl'" != "") {
local excl: subinstr local excl " " "|", all
drop if regexm("`country'", "`excl'")
Approve (Do NOT modify)
local n = _N
qui foreach i of numlist 1/`n' {
restore, preserve
local country = country[`i']
local year = year[`i']
local id = transaction_id[`i']
noi disp in y "primus action, tranxid(`id') decision(approved)"
noi primus action, tranxid(`id') decision(approved)
cap if (_rc) noi disp "problem with `id'"
Basically, this is what you need to do with this file.
- Modify
local excl
in case you do not want to approve one or several countries. - Modify
local filtdate
in which you select the date from which you want to approve transactions. - Make sure at least two people approve. One on behalf of “povcalnet” (which is the alias used for DECRG) and another on behalf of “decdg.”
- PRIMUS has a double-confirmation process, so you need to “confirm” and then
“approve” the transaction. For that, you only need to change the option
For some unknown reason, the PRIMUS system did not accept the approval of some transactions. If this happens again, you need to talk to Minh Cong Nguyen, so he can do the approval manually.